Today in History - 18 September

Today in History – 18 September

A man of principles

İsmet İnönü was a man of principles in his actions and words. He had no tolerance for impertinence, profanity, and shabbiness. Cüneyt Arcayürek relates that when the Pasha once saw him with a five o’clock shadow at a deserted area far form any civilization, he said, “I’ll give you 25 kuruş, so you can get yourself a razor!” Based on his own accounts, the Pasha did not neglect to shave, even in the most torrid days of the war.

A leading orator of the period, Mükerrem Sarol of the Democrat Party states that Pasha’s words would weigh heavily “like lead” on the hearts of his opponents. İnönü detested people that used profanity. Fuat Car?m’s niece Nimet Arz?k recalls how İnönü ostracized this bright member of the Foreign Ministry because he heard Car?m refer to Şemsettin Günaltay –whom İnönü disliked– as “herif” (guy). The only expression the Pasha considered slang, but still used was “Are you kidding?” which he reserved for arguments and comments he did not take seriously.


Heybeliada İsmet İnönü Evi 26 Aralık 2024 – 26 Ocak 2025 tarihleri arasında kapalı olacaktır.

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