Today in History - 20 January

Today in History – 20 January

Teşkilat-ı Esasiye is passed

As the first constitution of the new Turkey, “Teşkilat-ı Esasiye Kanunu” was passed by the Grand National Assembly on January 20, 1921. Comprised of 23 articles, this brief constitution also constituted the basis of the 1924 Constitution, in other words, the first constitution of the Republic of Turkey, to be enacted three years later.

The first article of the 1921 Constitution stipulated, “sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation,” whereas the second article granted the legislative and executive powers to the Grand National Assembly as the “sole and real representative of the nation.” The third article, on the other hand, stated that the “Turkish State is governed by the Grand National Assembly.” These first three articles constituted the groundwork of the new regime based on national sovereignty.

Lacking many elements that would normally be expected of a constitution, Teşkilat-ı Esasiye Kanunu had been designed to meet the demands of extraordinary circumstances and was regarded by some members of the Assembly as a temporary solution. Many members were convinced that once the conditions had returned in their favor, the caliphate and the sultanate would be reinstated and that the present conditions and assigned powers were merely temporary. Indeed, during negotiations, some argued that the provision “until the independence of the caliphate, the sultanate, as well as the country and the nation is preserved” be added to the first article of the constitution.

This expectation; however, would never be granted. The following year, the sultanate was abolished and, after the proclamation of the Republic, the new constitution based on national sovereignty and parliamentary supremacy was enacted.



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